In his essay "The Global and the Universal," Baudrillard explains the contemporary obsession with the global. The "Universal" is an idea that has its origin in philosophy, considering all of existence. The "Global" is more recent, born out of capitalism and concerns man made production and a negotiated harmony on earth.
Universal: values, human rights, culture, democracy
Globalization: technologies, the market, tourism, information
Globalization relies on a neutralization of values and decreases the universal. Democracy now circulates like a product and can be even represented by jeans. Singular forms – like culture – are the risk, culture is a form of glory and identity but culture becomes sign.
Baudrillard states, “What if information referred not to an event but information itself," which is the essence of Twitter.
He concludes by explaining that manufactured culture is the opposite of culture as destiny, that in place of the real and tangible world, we have substituted man made products and concepts.
Alan Badiou's essay "Only One World" looks at the global in a different way. Badiou’s emphasis is on humanity. He believes we only think we have globalization but we instead have unbalanced power benefits and serious separation. Democracy is a myth as people live racially and economically separated. He quotes Sarkozy, “If foreigners want to remain in France they have to love France," and explains that as Westerners, we uphold the security state on “otherness.”
District 9 was a science fiction interpretation of Apartheid. During Apartheid in South Africa, from 1948-1994, Africans were under a security state, separated from whites and the media was continually censored. The HRC published a document entitled "Anatomy of Repression" in December 1989 that outlined the forms of media repression.
The Fall 2009 Swiss ban on Minarets is targetted at restricting Islamic worship in Switzerland and has been seriously critiqued.

Multi-platform (print, internet, adaptable to software, etc)
Global access / distribution
Global Advertising Media
Key features to global campaigns are multi-language or minimal use of words, multi-platform, and wide spread use.
Click to see Coca Cola's global solution, 2006

Instead of showcasing the clothes they sell, United Colors of Benetton has been using global issues in its campiagns for over a decade.

1992, reporters contribute images of catastrophes

1994, The blood-stained T-shirt and trousers belonging to the soldier Marinko Gagro, who was killed during the war in former Yugoslavia, become a symbol of peace.
1995, Different kinds of barbed wire from South Africa, former Yugoslavia, Mexico, the Lebanon, Japan, Israel, Hungary, Brazil, Ireland and Germany and from the gardens of various private properties.

2008, Sengalese businessmen who were given micro-credit loans
Global Television Media
In addition to the Olympics, World Cup and other international sporting events, the global ratings rise for pageants. Miss World is the oldest international pageant created in the UK in 1951. Miss Universe was created in 1952 by the US company Pacific Mills and is owned by Donald Trump/NBC. Miss Earth, “Beauties for Cause,” started by a Philippine coutnry in 2001 to promote environmental awareness and had controversy over Miss Afghanistan.
The highest pageant ratings are in Venezuela, the US and Puerto Rico. Miss Universe has excellent US ratings, beating NBA playoffs. Miss Universe makes considerable money off TV ads and international broadcast rights, but it also rakes in franchising fees; countries or states that wish to hold qualifying pageants must pay for the privilege. 2003, Miss Venezuela almost didn't make it to the finals in Panama because her nation's franchise, the Miss Venezuela Organization, couldn't come up with the necessary $80,000 fee. In the United States, state franchises raise the cash by asking hopefuls to pony up a $695 fee, and some franchises additionally require that their families take out a $350 ad in the pageant program.
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