by: Sara Sutyak

For celebrities that are breaking onto the scene, like Clemence Poesy, it is important to ensure that interaction with the media build’s an image that maintains the respect and attention of the public. Through magazines, facebook, and twitter, Clemence has been able to gain attention through emphasizing elements of the “Femme Fatale” in her photographs and earns respect for her normalcy through her dialogue with the media. Clemence has built her visual identity through various images within magazine spreads and facebook pages. Poesy’s French Mystique begins with a common theme in all of her editorial photos. She is almost always shot with either a blank or a simplistic background maximizing the focus on her, which allows for an opportunity to represent her without distractions from staging or props. Debra Ollivier states that “silence is sexy” as it too encourages mystery through potential secrets. The majority of Clemence’s photographs in magazines have her with her mouth closed, implying silence. The low number of people she follows on Twitter implies her twitter holds some importance in order to keep in touch with friends. The few tweets she has sent out are directed towards former cast mates. Tweeting cast members is an example of the genuine connection Clemence makes with the people that she works with while acting. Through magazine interviews and personal maintenance of facebook and twitter, Clemence is able to share personal values and interests, thus making her seem more normal/real. She continues to excite the public with her clever French charm and wins their love by remaining a reachable person through her open honesty.
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